Monday, January 18, 2010

powerful words

For the first time ever, I just took the time to read completely through MLK Jr.'s letter from a Birmingham jail. Wow, if you've never read it, I really encourage you to read the full text (link below).

After reading it, I find myself praying fervently that I won't be what King describes as a white moderate, and that I won't accept the status quo or the complacency that has infiltrated the Church of Jesus Christ, but rather that I would be an active pursuer of peace, justice, and racial-reconciliation....someone whom King would call an extremist...extremist for love, truth, and goodness, an extremist for the extension of justice.

Reading the letter is very moving and makes it all the more important to me that we go this evening to the MLK Jr. unity service at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. We're leaving from OHC at 6:30 p.m. if you care to join.


  1. awesome, I so agree with this and I felt so empowered on Sunday as Dave let the congregation know that OHC should be ashamed of being so white and successful. Hope racial reconciliaton and social justice become the center piece of OHC so that we can better reflect the political views of the time

  2. Anonymous, thanks for commenting. I am glad that you feel strongly moved toward racial reconciliation and social justice. I am becoming more and more passionate about these as well. I would like to respond to your comment about "Dave letting the congregation know that OHC should be ashamed of being so white and successful." I don't believe Dave's intent was to make anyone feel ashamed but rather to raise awareness of our homogeneity and to challenge the congregation to be reaching out beyond familiar, comfortable circle and to begin to cross divides in our community. I hope that reconciliation and justice become central so that we can better reflect the heart of Jesus!
