Thursday, January 21, 2010

living and active

I love how God meets us in His Word! I have a friend...a relatively new follower...who has been settling into a consumer Christian mindset over the past several months and who has been, in my opinion, backsliding and stalling out on her journey.

Yesterday, she called me and described how she'd picked up her Bible during the day and did a Bible study she found online. I could tell from her voice and conversation that the Spirit of God met her and moved in her through that time. She went on to describe several "a-ha's" she received, including a new understanding of what "repent" means. She had always thought of "repent" as "admitting or confessing," but was gaining new insight about how it really means "to change; to turn from that way." I could catch the fire in her voice, and it was such a blast to listen to her tell me about the a-ha's that God was providing for her as she read and studied His Word.

There is no substitute. There are a lot of good books and speakers to help unpack Scripture, but there is nothing as living and active and as powerful as the Word of God to cut through our hearts, to renew our minds, to transform our beings.

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