Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bob Lupton quotes

We are so excited to have Robert Lupton with us Friday. His book Compassion, Justice, and the Christian Life has rocked my thinking of how to minister among the poor. I'll include a few quotes from Bob's book:

Betterment to development....

"A relationship founded on one's giving and the other's need never yields healthy outcomes. Even raising our own children teaches us that independence is the course toward which we must steer them if they are to become healthy, responsible, adults. Love toward our children that does not require responsibility is pathological. It is no different in loving the poor.

If we are to rightly care for those in need, the responsibility lies with those with the resources to create systems of exchange built on interdependency rather than dependency. Though our hearts have compelled us to begin with compassionate betterment activities, we must engage our minds to move toward development. Benevolence funds become job banks. Clothes closets become thrift stores. Food pantries become food co-ops.

We get out of the business of giving away. We start using oru heads as well as our hearts to build value into people and relationships- value realized only when authentic exchange occurs. Again, perhaps the greatest poverty of all is having nothing of value to offer the community. I want to believe that no one in my community is that poor."

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