Thursday, February 5, 2009

phrases for life

God occasionally impresses one-liners on me that I believe He wants me to live with and get deeply embedded into my being.

In March 2004, I went into a Korean speaking worship service in Waterloo, and a very strong sense of God's presence came upon me during a worship song. Not long after, when the sermon was about to begin, a gentleman got up and came to sit by me. He whispered that He was led by the Holy Spirit to interpret for me. Throughout the sermon, He'd lean over and whisper a sentence in English to me. He only whispered seven statements to me through the whole sermon, but I felt like he was a conduit and God was speaking directly to me through him. Here they are:

1. You must be silent to receive the blessings of God.
2. You must open your hands to receive the blessings of God.
3. You must be humble and childlike to receive the blessings of God.
4. Being thankful helps us recognize our blessings.
5. Be poor in spirit.
6. Jesus lived a life of service and sacrifice. We must do the same in the Church.
7. Jesus is the Good Shepherd.

Those seven messages from God continue to be guiding words for my life. In the last 5 years, God has from time to time impressed a few more phrases on me for my life.

Let love be your greatest aim.
Get closer.

And the latest God has for me,
Will you order your life as if reconciliation and justice matters?"

How about you? Do you have any words or Scripture that are your mandates from God?

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