Tuesday, February 3, 2009

missional narrative

I spent a bunch of time last week writing my missional journey out on paper to read during a leadership retreat at our church. I needed to write one that was only 10 minutes in length to speak, so I actually have a 20 minute version and an edited version that helped me stay within my time frame.

This exercise was really good for me. It helped me reflect on what I've learned along the journey of serving the under-resourced in my life. I know life is busy, but I really want to encourage you to write your own missional narrative. Even if it's just for yourself. It seemed to clarify and help me articulate the learnings and the values and the vision, all within stories and experiences.

And if you'd ever want to share what you write, I would love to be an audience.

1 comment:

  1. oh man...I left before you did this! I think you should come do it for me on my couch soon... or let me read it via an emailed file :) What do you think??? pretty please! Jess
