Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Kingdom Service Day 8: Keep the main thing, the main thing

Jeff Mickey spoke on Sunday about how we can sometimes get lost in the mission of the moment and forget what's important...rather, we can forget who is important.  Sometimes serving Jesus can cause us to take our focus off Jesus and become more concerned about accomplishing the ministry than him!

A perfect example of this happened on Sunday morning.  Craig, from Orchard Hill, and George, from Harvest, were outside Harvest getting set up for a meal that would be served post-worship, the last Picnic in the Park.  They were busy, it was rainy and cold, they were trying to make an alternative plan and get everything inside...when all of sudden, a young man named Jonathan, came up to them and told them that he had been at Harvest the day before for a community breakfast, and he now wanted to accept Jesus as His Savior.  Craig told me that he and George were wrapped up in activity and some stressful moments to get that lunch ready, and so there was an inclination to want to hold the young man off until a more opportune time to speak with him.  Thankfully, they did not follow that inclination!  They could have easily gotten lost in the mission of the moment and forgotten the main mission.  George walked inside with the man, spent time with him, and led him to the Lord in prayer.

What a beautiful story!  What a great reminder that programs and ministry are not the mission....reconciliation to God through Jesus is the mission.  The ministry-the community meal, the youth art team, Jobs for Life-you fill in the blank, is a vehicle to ultimately help people come to know Jesus and make Him known.

You can watch Jeff's teaching by clicking here.

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