Friday, February 5, 2010

finishing well

Characteristics of those who finish well:

1. Personal vibrant relationship with God
2. A learning posture throughout life
3. Christlikeness in character
4. Maintain convictions and beliefs
5. Accomplishes God's purposes for their life
6. Fulfilled their sense of destiny

Six barriers to finishing well:

1. Finances, their use and abuse
2. The abuse of power
3. Inappropriate and self-centered pride
4. Sexual misconduct
5. Problems with family relationships
6. Plateauing in growth

Five enhancements to finishing well:

1. Perspective
2. Times of renewal
3. Spiritual disciplines
4. Learning posture
5. Mentoring

(this information from the book Starting Well, by Richard Clinton and Paul Leavenworth)

Our church offers a 3 year leadership course from a series called "Vantage Point 3". I took the classes from 2004-2007 and found them to be excellent. Last Spring, I found this list above printed on a sheet, leftover from a current class, and laying on a table in one of our classrooms at church. I vaguely remembered the information from when I had been class, and I snatched up the paper and have had it in a visible place at home for some months now.

These are important lists for me to consider. What's needed in my life to grow my relationship with Christ and my ability to finish well in Him and for Him? What's needed from me to ensure that I avoid the pitfalls?

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