Sunday, March 8, 2009

word challenges

It seems like the words "church" and "community" are becoming increasingly problematic. The majority of people who hear the word "church" think of an a organization or building. When I say, "I work at Orchard Hill Church," or "our family goes to OHC," I'm helping people to think of the organization. That's not bad in and of itself, but according to reports, I'm learning that a large population of people- both professing believers and those not- only see church in this light and have largely forgotten that the Church is foremost Christ's followers in the world. This dual-meaning of church can cause some confusion, I think, as we have conversations and talk missionally.

I'm finding the same thing with the word "community". One meaning as in location, the other meaning as in relationship. When we talk about community development, this word, too, can be problematic, as it I think it is most often heard as "location".

Anywho, all this just to say that it's a good challenge to describe and find language that isn't perceived in only one particular way by a large number of people if used. Any words you run into that cause some question about meaning and perception as you go to use them?


  1. "Faith-based" is one that troubles me. It sounds so acceptable, so clean and nice. But once you break it down and start talking about Jesus, and His saving power, His death on the cross and His victory... suddenly "faith-based" is much more threatening and people get really nervous.

  2. Maribeth, I can see this probably doesn't often get unpacked, and when it does, I imagine God is often safe for the conversation, but Jesus isn't.
    I'm trying on some new about "I work through the community of Orchard Hill"? what do you think? semantics r us.
