Thursday, March 5, 2009

churches are like airports

I'm in the middle of McNeal's Missional Renaissance book. Definitely worth the read. In one place, he likens the church to an airport...

"The airport is a place of connection, not a destination. Its job is to help people get somewhere else.... When the church thinks it's the destination, it also confuses the scorecard. It thinks that if people are hovering around and in the church, the church is winning. The truth is, when that's the case, the church is really keeping people from where they want to go, from their real destination. That destination is life. Lucky for us, it just so happens this is what Jesus promised to bring to us. Abundant life is lived out with loved ones, friends, and acquaintances in the marketplace, in the home, in the neighbhorhood, in the world. The church is a connector, linking people to the kingdom life that God has for them. Substituting church activity as the preferred life expression is as weird as believing that airports are more interesting than the destinations they serve."

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