Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Waterloo City Scope

This past Saturday, we had a great day of learning as one of our friends, Heidi, planned out a whole day immersing us in a variety of experiences in East Waterloo. First, we spent an hour and a half together at Cottonwood Canyon. While enjoying scones, fresh brewed coffee, and the company of eighteen friends, we did an inductive Bible Study through the book of Jonah. It was a fascinating way to study the Bible. First, we spent time observing and underlining the who, what, where, when kind of things. Then we spent some time interpreting what we read, and finally we talked about application. We did this in some really nice chunks of independent time, small cluster groups, and the whole group. I loved this, and I really felt like I gained so much from this study with friends! It was a great community builder, and so much applied to what we were embarking upon for the day.

We then had the privilege of listening to Edward Johnson, a 79 year old black male, who shared his story with us. He and his wife, Sallie, live at the Walnut Court Retirement Home, and it was good to hear his thoughts about racial reconciliation and the role of the Church.

After lunch at Sookies Restaurant, we also heard from John Carr, a 73 year old man who grew up in Waterloo and has been active in the community. He, too, shared about his life, and when someone asked him, "If you could have our group do anything for a whole day, what would you have us do?" His response was "to do what you're doing...come and learn."

Then, we had this amazing driving tour that took us around the broader neighborhood. Lots of great information and chances for observation. Rich history and the chance to take in what we saw and talk about it.

I've pretty much provided the "what" of our day, but I'd love for some of our friends who were there to comment on your learnings from the day!


  1. This felt like a real learning community... the pace was awesome, nothing was rushed, and there were times to listen, to think, to laugh and to share. Though I grew up in and around the neighborhood of the driving tour, and Darwin works in the neighborhood when he's on shift, we learned so many new things through the information Heidi developed in the handout. What this day gave both of us was a deeper understanding and appreciation for another neighborhood in our community...and a real reminder that holistic ministry must be done in community.

  2. I am so thankful that I took time to do this! Even after 7 hours, I wanted more. I wanted to ask so many more questions of Edward (and his wife Sally) and John. I would also like to hear from representatives from other generations. I also enjoyed the fellowship and conversation with my good friends as we discussed Jonah and enjoyed our food at Sookies (sp?). I am amazed by and grateful for all the work Heidi put into the written materials and the planning by Heidi and Laura. I want to do the driving tour again with Jeff and the kids. I keep thinking about John's answer to Kristen's question.."What would you have this group do if you could have us do anything?" (or something like that). John replied "Come and listen." That applies to every aspect of relational bridge-building and reconciliation.
