Monday, September 20, 2010

giving and receiving

I would be a fool to think I have only to give to those who are considered "least, lost, last" in our society and nothing to receive. In my experience, this often gets turned on its head, and Jesus gives me more than I can ask or imagine.

Yesterday at Picnic in the Park, Diane, a faithful park guest, walked up to me with a gift bag, telling me that she had made a gift for me. Inside was a beautiful hand-crocheted lap blanket. "God gave me the gift of crocheting, and I use it to bless people," she said.

I was touched, surprised, humbled. I received the warmth of love from both God and Diane on this wet, cold Picnic in the Park Sunday. The gifts don't always come in the form of a tangible blanket like today, but God most definitely has much for my heart to receive about loving God and loving neighbor each time I'm at the park.

How about you? Can you share an experience of giving that turned into an experience of receiving?

1 comment:

  1. I love how you capture the feel of the day in all these pictures you have on your blog... Picnic in the Park, Lawndale, National Night out... etc. It's a great jounal of how God is working in all of us as we partner together. - Judy
