Monday, March 1, 2010

francis chan

Above is a little youtube clip of a person who is new in my scope. I was at a simulcast marriage conference on Saturday, and Chan was the first speaker up in a line-up of many who spoke on the marriage relationship. I really resonated with his message. Some notes I took:

- Rather than focusing on marriage, it's better to have a focused marriage. Focused on the bigger mission and calling of discipleship and making disciples.
- God created us FOR something. Not just for a happy life, happy marriage, happy kids. It's about following and serving God.
- We are to keep each other focused on the mission and who we are and who we're to be before God.
- We are to help each other secure undivided devotion to the Lord.
- If there is conflict in the marriage, there is most likely spiritual conflict. Someone not walking in the Spirit and being led by the Spirit of God.

I was inspired by his passion and urgency. I appreciated how he saw family as a unit God wants to grow and use on mission for Him. A friend recently gave me his book entitled Crazy Love. I will look forward to reading it...anyone else have an opinion or review?


  1. LOVED Crazy Love! I don't think anyone could read this book and not be changed. There are supporting videos online that are worth viewing while reading the book.
    I have been watching podcasts from Cornerstone Church (Chan is a pastor there) and really enjoying them! My dad has read Chan's second book and says it is as good as Crazy Love...I haven't read it yet, but am looking forward to it.

  2. Thanks, I really look forward to reading the book! Brennan Manning also writes a lot about the unconditional love and grace of God. He's a fantastic writer also, but a whole different style than Chan...more monastic.

  3. Oh, Laura I loved this... About fell out of my chair laughing! I love the way Francis explains things... and he is so very bold and blunt to the wall to wall carpet church!!! I too have read Crazy Love... Awsome Book!! Let me know what you think of it. He has really done some bold things... and does it with humor... you laugh even when you know in your heart he is talking about you...

    Love you!!
    Your sister in Christ,
