Wednesday, June 10, 2020

internalized racial oppression and inferiority

I want to stick with internalized racism for another day because our psyches and identities have been so deeply impacted by racism.  Internalized racism affects our thoughts and actions, so of course, we have to become aware of it as we search to live from our true identities and not our wounded, fearful egoic selves.  When we can begin to grow aware of how racism has affected our thinking, we can begin to heal and live more freely from our God center, our unconditionally loved BEING place, our "Christ in us the hope of glory" core.

I have not had the lived experience of battling racial inferiority.  My fight is against racial superiority and privilege (which is actually just insecurity and inferiority on steroids).  And since I am not going to ask any person of color to explain for us white readers what it's like to battle racial inferiority, what I will do, is to ask you to consider the following:

1)  Please look these charts and lists over: This is some good information on how racial oppression has internalized both in terms of superiority and inferiority.   These are uncomfortable characteristics to see and to acknowledge but necessary so that we can all grow more aware and move toward growth and healing.

3) Just use your imagination, my white friends.  If our racial classification of whiteness was deemed the low rung on the social ladder , and we were consistently treated and told that we had less value, less worth, less intelligence, less ability, less, less, less, less, ...what do you think would happen in you?  If a different dominant culture would continually work to lock you and your family out, would misunderstand you, exclude you, dismiss you, dehumanize you, can you even imagine how rejection like that might assault your mind, spirit, very being?

Here's all I've got to say:  It takes courage and resolve from everyone to confront racial oppression- superiority/ privilege and inferiority/oppression.   However, the human spirit, strength, perseverance,and the resilience of Black America to continually fight both internalized inferiority and injustice for over 400 years is nothing short of supernatural, indescribable, heroic. 

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