Tuesday, June 16, 2020

color of compromise

The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church's Complicity in Racism  written by Jemar Tisby is a book I read last year in a book group, and it is now a book being recommended to our congregation at Orchard Hill Church.  

"This book is about revealing racism.  It pulls back the curtain on the ways American Christians have collaborated with racism for centuries.  By seeing the roots of racism in this country, may the church be moved to immediate and resolute antiracist action."  p. 15, 16  

"Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured."  Martin Luther King, Jr.  

To go forward, we must go backward and choose to see what we have either not seen or pretended not to see.  If you are a white Christian, I encourage you to read this book with an open heart and mind.  And I would welcome your thoughts, comments, or a chance to have conversation with you as you process through it.  

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