Monday, December 28, 2009

how do you read the Bible?

I'm curious to know how you determine what you'll read in the Bible from day to day. How do you decide? Do you have a plan?

I've approached this in a variety of ways. A few years ago, I read through cover to cover. Other times, I have spent one month in an OT book and the next month in one or two NT books. One year, I worked through a big ol' commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. Sometimes I'll be reading a book that has several Scripture references that I'll look up and spend time with. Now and then, I will hear a speaker give a talk on a particular passage of Scripture, and it will prompt me to read through that book of the Bible. Lately, I've had the desire to read through Acts, so that is what I'm currently doing.

What I do know is that I have to be intentional. I can go periods where I'm reading a lot of other books and not reading the Bible much. God has prompted me to fast from time to time from other books just so that I'll get my nose back in the Bible. When I look back at my life, the times I've experienced God's power and His Spirit the most are when I'm immersed in His Word...soaking my soul in it. I need a huge and straight-up diet of His powerful, life-changing Word in my life.

How about you? How do you go about reading the Bible?


  1. It helps me to have a plan, too, Laura. I read a chapter most mornings from the New Testament, the Old Testament, and, separately, the Psalms. I try to read carefully, slowly, and in prayer. I also read each chapter a second time after finishing the three, and mix in some other prayer time.

    At night, I try to take one of those chapters from the morning and read it again very slowly, in order to listen and pray through some small part of it that especially stands out to me.

  2. Clint, thanks for commenting. I like how you reread the passages in a day and even end the day focusing in on one of those chapters. I also like how you listen and pray through those chapters.

    When I was in late junior high, I felt like God was telling me to read the Bible, so I read 3 chapters a night until I read the whole Bible. My confirmation teacher had told me to pray before I read each time, "God, meet me in the text and guide me in your Truth." God did, and that walk through the Bible changed my life. I'm so glad God continues to meet us in Scripture. Anyone else? How do you engage with the Bible?

  3. I agree so much with what you said Laura. It is so true we have to be intentional! And over that last couple of years I have struggled to find time to read anything but the bible, and you know what, my relationship with Christ is stronger than it has ever been, and growing faster than ever before. I don't even miss reading other books anymore. I read some from time to time but everything must be backed up by scripture, and I look it up. I read a lot of devotionals, all of which have daily scripture readings, and for some reason (lol) they seem to always relate to my current situation. Praise be to God! I Love You!
    Your sister in Christ Jesus,
