Friday, October 30, 2009

the dollar bill challenge

I'm spending this morning putting dollar bills in locations that I frequently see in a day. Our bathroom mirror. Our fridge. Our van's dashboard. Our door into the house. These one dollar bills are a part of our upcoming Challenges for the Heart in which one challenge is to place these dollar bills around for three weeks to remind ourselves that almost 1/2 the world lives on less than $2 a day. Is this right? What do I live on? How am I stewarding God's resources to promote life, Jesus, justice? Will I pray for and consider the lives of my neighbors in need?

Shane Claiborne said it well in a few paragraphs he wrote recently in "The Restorer", an annual publication of CCDA.

"There are a number of core gospel values I see as a thread throughout Scripture- God created an economy where's enough. There's enough for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed. In the manna story, He says, 'You are not to take more than a day's ration,' to remind them of His providence. Even in the communion sacrament, we pray, 'Give me this day our daily bread.' When Jesus did feeding miracles, there were even leftovers that came out of one child's gift. We also see an admonition not to store up extra and live in luxury when others are starving and when we don't even know what tomorrow holds. Rebirth and redistribution go hand in hand. John the Baptist said, 'Repent!' but he also said, 'If you have two tunics, give one away.' Within CCDA, we're committed to not just reading the Bible with a highlighter but to see what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Christ. In the book of Acts, they shared everything they had and things were distributed as people had need. And there were no needy among them. We have an invitation to bear each others burdens. When someone is without, that should disturb all of us; especially those who have a degree of comfort. Neighborly love involves redistribution, and we are becoming aware that the world is fragile. Scandals in inequity are causing an awareness that we need to change. We are re-realizing that we are to live in nonconformity to the world-that's a fresh word. We live simply because God is good and we want to make sure everyone can take part in that."

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