Sunday, September 14, 2014

nobody's perfect, everybody's welcome, anything's possible

I tune-in weekly to Menlo Park Presbyterian's sermons online.  Recently, I watched a message where they shared  their three values:  Nobody's perfect, Everybody's welcome, Anything's possible. I've since googled those three catchy phrases and learned that several churches around the country are using them.

I like those memorable phrases.  In fact, I've been saying them often as I encounter a small group of folks that I tend to want to judge quickly.

Nobody's perfect quickly frames up our common, universal humanity.  It instantly reminds me that we are all broken... every. last. one. of. us. including. me.

Everyone's welcome reminds me that this is indeed the Good News of the Kingdom of God!  Jesus sees us all broken, but He also sees us all-redeemed in Him.  He knows each person as His treasured Creation, and He invites ALL into right relationship with God through Him.  He invites ALL to live in the we were created to do.  Our world does not make everyone welcome.  Jesus does. Will I?

Anything's possible gives me hope, anticipation, and a great sense of adventurous faith as I consider that anything is possible through Jesus Christ.   He changes hearts and lives today.  He blasts through our doubts and unbelief, and he moves in surprising and miraculous ways today.

Repeating these three phrases silently has helped me several times in the past few weeks to move into a Kingdom of God mindset and out of the world's mindset.  See if you don't also find yourself repeating them in upcoming days.

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