Thursday, April 11, 2013

UCI in a few pictures

Kristie Mompremier shows us one of the agricultural initiatives of  UCI.  A cabbage garden growing nice looking heads of cabbage in previously barren soil.  Gardening and sustainable growing techniques are being taught through UCI. 

The primary school is booming.  UCI has added a second floor this past year.  Currently they have 65 pre-K students and about 30 students each in K, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades.  

Ruth bags nutrient rich soil.  35,000 coffee trees will be started in these bags and are part of an economic development plan for the community.

This university at UCI is in its first year.  They are currently expanding  by constructing a second story, hiring more professors, and creating a science lab for hands-on learning.

UCI has provided 289 concrete floors for family homes in the community as it reaches out in wholistic mission with the Good News of Jesus. 

UCI is committed to empowering people and raising up indigenous leaders.

Pastors gather weekly for encouragement and training.  UCI is a Christ-centered, Church-based ministry .

God's redemption through Jesus Christ is preached and proclaimed  at UCI.  Here , JeanJean baptizes one of seven  new brothers and sisters in Christ.

The need for solid housing is also a part of UCI's work in the community.

JeanJean took us on an ag vision tour.  UCI has purchased land  behind the university that will be farmed  and will provide training for students, food for students, and exports that can be sold to help support the university.  

UCI's worship center.  Receiving God's love and responding to that love in Christ is the central heartbeat from which everything else flows at UCI.

JeanJean and others often seen visiting at the gate.  Relationships are central  in the ministry  at  UCI.

Cassava bread is made and sold through the cassava mill at UCI.

Mango trees have been planted and in this area around the university.

Developing Christian community...Love for Neighbor...flows out of  love for God and  draws people  to this God we serve.  Here, college students and our team gather for song and prayer.

Listening to the community is key for UCI.  A great need is a solid, Christ-centered education for children.  UCI's primary school was started 2 years ago.

Jesus does indeed love the little children.

Another view of the university.

The computer lab at UCCC.

UCI runs 8 nutrition centers.  

After the pastor gathering, pastors were given a gift to encourage them and affirm them in their calling. 

Darwin stands by rows of small, growing coffee trees.

Teaching the Word of God is central at UCI.

JeanJean, Kristie, and their children, Tana and Kerri, were called as founders of UCI eight years ago.  God is at work through their faith and obedience in amazing and wondrous ways.

289 concrete floors in homes, 25 homes built, 8 nutrition centers started, 8 churches planted, 9 wells dug, 11 irrigation pumps installed, primary school built, university built, 380 families a part of the animal breeding program, cassava mill in operation, 35,000 coffee tree seedlings, thousands of trees being graphed and planted.  New land being developed into 45 housing units and an acreage being developed into agricultural program for university students that will feed college students and help financially support the university, prayers for a medical clinic in the future.  


  1. It is absolutely incredible to see what God has done in 8 years through the faithful and visionary service of JeanJean and Kristie! Wow-- thanks for this journal in photos, Laura!

  2. I know...8 years ago the land was undeveloped, no churches, a region predominantly filled with voodoo. It's certainly a testimony of God's ability to do far more than one can ask or imagine.
