Monday, April 15, 2013

somebody's watching

During my time in Haiti, I didn't realize how much I was paying attention to JeanJean and Kristie's leadership.  Without a lot of intention, I was watching and learning from their leadership.  I watched how JeanJean moved in groups and in one-on-one's.  I noticed his speaking habits and his listening habits.  I heard him talk about how he gets up around 3 a.m. each day to study, as that is about the only time when things are quiet and still for him.  I observed how he reacted in moments of alarm (one of our vans pulled out from the side of the street and hit a motorcyclist in front of the market.  The three on the moto had some scrapes, and it gathered quite a crowd with a lot of excited voices.  I watched JeanJean take charge, and he ended up asking one of his drivers to take the three to his house to get cleaned up and bandaged.  I also saw him stop the singing at church, remind everyone to keep focus on the one we worship, not the music, and exhort everyone to pray on the spot for a young woman in the congregation who was struggling in the service and in need of prayer.) I observed how he developed young leaders around him...when he stepped forward and when he stepped back.  I watched him with his family, and I watched him have fun and laugh with a whole variety of people.  I also noticed how he involved the Orchard Hill team, how he encouraged us, how he created several opportunities for mutual listening and learning from one another, and how he fostered a strong sense of partnership.

I also watched Kristie as she homeschooled her daughters, kept the schedule of events lined up, cared for the employees, the OHC team, and students (both college and primary), and how she organized and kept a pulse on everything that was happening.  I listened to her laughter and watched her play throughout the week.

I noticed both Kristie and JeanJean's flexibility and their never-ending stream of welcome and hospitality and kindness. I watched their commitment to each other in marriage and ministry.  I watched their relationship with Christ and their unshakeable convictions in the Word of God.

None of these are actually things I set out to look for or study.  I'm around strong leaders everyday back at OHC, and we spend a good share of time in leadership development conversations.  But because we were in such close proximity to each other all week in Haiti, there were leadership observations and learnings that came with shadowing UCI leadership for 8 straight days.  This surprise takeaway has me considering my own character, personality, style, habits as a leader.  It's causing me to reflect some on what people who are watching are receiving from my faith walk, life, and leadership.  Somebody's watching you, too....what are they observing?

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