Thursday, November 25, 2010

100 thanks

For what and whom are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? We were challenged in last Sunday's message at church to literally write out a thankful list. How focusing on blessings helps to cultivate gratitude which in turn opens and grows the heart.

So, this morning I numbered to 100 and completed it quickly. I could keep going. Maybe I will. Or maybe I'll just reflect on what I've written. God's love. God's grace through Christ. The Bible. The life of Jesus. The death of Jesus. The resurrection of Jesus. The Holy Spirit. God's sovereignty. God's faithfulness.

As the list grew, I noticed that my categories would always start with a general word but the general word soon led me on tangents of thankfulness: Beauty. Nature. Mountains, forests, rivers, streams, blue sky, cool clouds, sunrises, sunsets, waterfalls, flowers, lakes, Lake Bertha in Minnesota, canoeing on Lake Bertha with my children.

And on...

Receive God's good gifts today. Acknowledge Him as the Giver. Share these blessings with others. Happy Thanksgiving.

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