Tuesday, May 25, 2010

powerful potential

I taught at Harvest Vineyard on Sunday, and one of my points was about what God can do when the Body of Christ works together on a shared vision of blessing.

Then, yesterday, I spent the day with Bob Lupton, a Christian community developer, who has done a lot of good Kingdom work in the area of neighborhood revitalization. I had the privilege of visiting with Bob for four hours on a drive, and if I had to sum up his impact on me for the day, it would be this: We have much greater potential for much greater endeavors than we allow ourselves to dream.

I was inspired by the many great endeavors going on for the Kingdom of God by a connected Body of Christ giving their imaginations and gifts together over to the Spirit of God and His powerful redemptive work. Things like rebuilding whole neighborhoods and intentionally "neighboring" in them. A big organic urban garden project. A micro-enterprise lending thousands of dollars to Nicaraguan peasants. An old golf course being transformed into a PGA tour course, and its surrounding community, East Lake, being changed from a ghetto into an attractive and healthy place to live.

My prayer is that God might give us great vision and maximize the potential of our Body for His Kingdom work and for his glory.

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