Sunday, December 14, 2014

celebrating 2014 Christmas in Walnut in numbers

There are many celebration stories found in the numbers of this year's Christmas in Walnut!

*Orchard Hill Kids gave $960 that purchased 64 of the Action Bibles given to families yesterday at the Christmas Store.  Youth buying an exciting graphic-novel style Bible for other youth in our community...awesome!

*4 college students took on the wrapping of 400! Action Bibles to give as gifts to each family shopping....that's a lot of wrapping.  This team also secured $3,200 from business partners, as well as start a toy drive at Scratch Cupcakery for the Christmas Store.

*At the Craft workshop upstairs, 195 children made gifts and were allowed to experience the joy of giving them to their family members.    One mom began to cry as she saw the photo craft gift this year...her child's face imprinted on a glass vase with the glow of a candle inside.

*The 6 person prayer team gave the blessing of prayer to many shoppers yesterday.  So many shoppers stopped to be prayed for..a woman who recently moved here to support her brother who is testifying in a murder trial, a woman who recently lost her job, a person recently separated in her marriage,...

*2,333 gifts were donated to this year's Store.  I watched so many families help their little ones deposit toys they bought to the big wrapped box at church.  People generously gave finances to help fund the event yesterday.  Christmas in Walnut is witness to so many cheerful, sacrificial givers!

*100 dozen cookies and bars were lovingly made and packaged to share at Christmas in Walnut.

*490 people were served breakfast...and so many joy-filled servants were flipping pancakes, cooking sausage, pouring orange juice, and waiting tables.

*345 volunteers gave time and talents to the day.  This effort could not be done without the outstanding team leaders and volunteers who own their part in the day.  Amazing to see this in action!

*390 shopping families were given the opportunity to give as well.  By offering an amazing bargain price, these families were invited to choose and pay for the gifts they would buy for their own children this year.  Everyone has something to give, and we want to reduce the "us/them" and encourage the "we" as much as possible in our community.

*1 Great Redeemer came to earth to save us from our brokenness, from our hostility against God and one another.  He came to usher in His heavenly Kingdom on earth, a Kingdom of peace, hope, reconciliation, compassion, justice, a Kingdom of love.  We pray that Christmas in Walnut is just one small piece He uses to reweave and restore our community under His reign.

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