Saturday, August 22, 2009

St. Therese of Lisieux 1873-1897

I found a terrific book at the public library called The Heart of a Saint. Author Bert Ghezzi writes one chapter each on 10 spiritual heroes/heroines. Each short chapter has a bit of a biography, some of the featured person's quotes, a bit of commentary by the author, and some questions for reflection by the reader. I read the first chapter on Saint Therese of Lisieux yesterday.

Though she died at the age of 24, St. Therese had lived her last 9 years in a convent and is known not for lofty achievements in the world's standards, but rather lofty achievements in Kingdom sense. Her full devotion to Jesus and doing everything with love and the passion of Jesus was her renown. Her words:

"The most trivial act, one that no one knows about, provided it is inspired by love, is often of greater worth than the greatest achievement. It is not the value or even the apparent holiness of deeds which counts, but only the love put into them. And no one can say that he cannot do these little things for God, for everyone is capable of them."


  1. I love this. So counter to what the world celebrates and rewards, though. Let me know when you return this...I'd like to read it. Thanks, Laura!

  2. I just finished reading on the 6th saint...4 more and I'll be taking it back...probably by next Wednesday. Waterloo book section. It's very good. Helps give me inspiration by getting a picture of people who have modeled full devotion to Jesus.
