Tuesday, July 6, 2010

compassion and beyond

A few stories from people who have been bothered by the thought, "This just isn't right"...bothered and burdened and prompted until they act in a way to help make that particular something right.

- A couple of guys sympathize with men and women who are struggling to find jobs due to lack of education, a criminal record, or a host of other reasons that might make them unemployable to many employers. Not only are these guys listening and sympathizing with those in need, these guys are starting up a Jobs for Life program that will help train and mentor and connect folks into the workforce.

- a friend is helping a woman through difficult circumstances, unemployment, and now a move brought on by the changing guard of landlords and a big spike in rent. The new landlord was demanding some very hard exit requirements of this woman, and beyond listening and sympathizing with the woman, the friend called the landlord to be an advocate for the woman and to explain her circumstances and situation more clearly to the landlord. The landlord is still requiring some tough demands for exit, but is much more open to consider giving back more of the deposit money. The money will make a big difference for this woman. Another friend sees that the woman needs a place to store some furniture while she is in transition from her duplex to another place to call home. Knowing that this woman can't afford a storage unit, this friend and her husband are giving a bit of their basement for the furniture to be stored for a time.
- a friend writes prisoners regularly and faithfully prays and corresponds with them. She recently went beyond this encouragement ministry to leading a Celebrate Recovery class in the Black Hawk County Jail on Wednesdays. Inmates have a lot of time on their hands. Programs for growth and recovery are so needed. This class is a first of its kind in this jail.

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