Monday, January 4, 2010

blog school

This is now the start of the 2nd year I'm embarking on this blogging business at I'm curious if those who regularly look on this site might be so inclined to help me learn some helpful tools and tips on my road to becoming a better blogger. If so, this is your post. Any feedback, suggestions, ideas, questions, constructive criticism are welcome and invited as we seek to live on mission with Christ.

My thanks to you for reading some of my musings along the way.

Laura Hoy


  1. i think you do a great job. i just like to read and not comment. :)

  2. I second that, Kris. I love how you share your own stories, the stories of others, impressions from your reading, articles, photos, ministries,slice of life (kitties!) and whatever else God lays on your heart. Keep at it, my friend!
