Thursday, January 29, 2009

missional values

Doug Tensen is my supervisor at work. He recently asked me to think about writing out some goals for 2009. Instead of a list of actual goal statements, I turned in a page that was divided into three parts....VALUES.....PRACTICES....AREAS OF FOCUS.

Today, I'll share what are high missional values for me:

1. Service. Serving Christ in gratitude and serving others in love, joy, and hospitality.
2. Learning. On-going training and education about transformational development, urban challenges. Learning from people in the community. Evaluating frequently any processes we’re a part of. Continued learning from Scripture about God’s heart for justice. Continued learning about Jesus and what it means to follow him in order to better represent and reflect him.
3. Relationships. Building relationships and practicing presence.
4. Discernment. Individually and in community: praying and listening and discerning the work of God and the will of God.
5. Development. Next steps, strategic moves that help foster transformational development of self, others at OHC, and the community to which God is calling us.

Do we share common values? What are some of your core missional values as you go about reaching out? Would love to read some of your's been kinda sleepy on this blog. :)

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