Sunday, December 28, 2008

Living on Mission

We have a missional God. Missional means "sent" and there's no greater example of missional than God sending His son, Jesus. We also are to be missional people of God. Sent by Him into our neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, and into the oppressed places of our world to partner with Him there as He works to redeem, restore, and reconcile the world.

This blog is coming into existence for a few reasons. First, the phrase "conversations change culture" is a phrase being used around our church some. Living rooms, church classrooms, and coffee shops are great places for conversation, but I thought that this might also be a place that could invite conversation.

Second, as we seek to grow spiritually and to live on mission with Christ, we find the two are intertwined, and this could be a good venue of encouragement and challenge for friends who are longing for more of God's work in and through their lives.

And lastly, God is at work and many people are learning and experiencing many amazing things as they are outreaching in our community and in our world. I am hoping that this blog can be a source of ongoing communication and information.

So, feel free to read along and know that you are warmly invited into the conversation!

1 comment:

  1. alright. you have a fellow blog reader/follower/whatever you want to call it! :)
