Friday, October 12, 2012

ccda conference quotes 2012

I've been reviewing my notes from the CCDA ( conference a few weeks back in the Twin Cities.  So many great speakers and workshops...I thought I'd capture some quotes that I found powerful through the event:

"We've created a god that has made Jesus the god of middle-class American values.  Are we going to make God an American God or are we going to embrace Jesus of Scripture?" (Tony Campolo)

"There's a restlessness for a new future possible in Jesus Christ."  (Chris Rice)

"It's easy to lose the C (Christ) in Christian Community Development.  Jesus without Justice loses the C.  Justice without Jesus loses the C.  How do we not lose the C?  We learn to think and act in the mind of Christ."  (Chris Rice)

"What does the Bible talk about more...Loving God? or Loving neighbor?   Neither.  There are far more verses that talk of God's love for us.  You have to get God's love into your bones.  The most important person in this is Jesus.  Keep Jesus at the center or quit."   (Chris Rice)

"The enemy is not a person.  The enemy is the fear, the lack of trust."  (Sami Awad)

"Our work is not Christian because we put the stamp and label on it, but rather by the expression of Christlike love, humility, and solidarity with those on the margins."  (Noel Castellanos)

"It's not about your resources; it's about your God."  (Bishop Charles Blake)

"Our organs work and serve together for the good of the whole body.  Each organ contributes to the whole. We cannot thrive if we think and work for ourselves alone.  We are part of God's body, and so I need you." (Bishop Charles Blake)

"Make sure your vision is big enough to require a miracle.  Make no small goal or plan.  We serve an able God.  There is no time for timid people." (Bishop Blake)

"How does Jesus work?  He often doesn't start work until there isn't enough (ie: loaves/fish) and it's too late (ie: Lazarus)"  (Bishop Blake)

"Paternalism is managing others intrusively and arrogantly."  (Wayne Gordon)

"Be still.  Reflect on what God has done and will do in your life."  (Wayne Gordon)

"Sixty years after desegregation, we have totally unequal public school systems."  (Nicole Baker Fulgham)

"Look at Nehemiah 1.  Nehemiah first wept and fasted and mourned and prayed."  (Lisa Sharon Harper)

" We (the Church) must identify the core lies and specifically confess them.  The Church tends to be a-historical, but we need to look at the past before we're able to move forward."  (Lisa Sharon Harper)

"We need to change the conversation from a fear narrative to a redemptive narrative."  (Troy Jackson)

"We try to stabilize place (neighborhood) so we can stabilize people."  (Urban Homeworks Director)

"Every time the minority gets to the center, the center moves."  (Raymond Rivera)

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