Sunday, September 30, 2012

john perkins quotes 2013 ccda conference

Our group just returned home from the CCDA conference in Minneapolis, and I thought I'd include a few of John Perkins' Bible Study quotes from this year:

"We are to be the outliving of the inliving Christ."

"We are overindividualizing the it, claim it, prosperity gospel.  We're supposed to live Christianity out in community."

"The reason we're not having much impact because we're thinking individualistically....O say can you see, what's in it for me?"

"We're living beneath what God wants us to live."

"God is so anxious to do for us, that just a little bit of obedience, and He'll get under it, release His power."

"On Christ the solid rock I stand.  Don't put your hope in anything less than Jesus."

"Justice was God's motivation for redemption."

"The nearest I can see of God is when I look at your face."

"Our purpose is to know this wonderful God and make Him known."

"We gotta get past this coffee drinking thing (speaking of surface reconciliation) and get at it."

"We need to have a high sense of calling.  We are called to something bigger than ourselves.  We need a sense of calling.  We gotta go to people with conviction and vision."

"Doing the will of God is everything and if you attempt to do that, you will have God's support."

"The Grace of God is all of God's redemptive power coming together."

"We disciple people so they can be leaders within the society.  That's what Jesus did when he came.  And he gives these gifts to us, each one of us, so that we can perfect the saints so that we can do the discipleship work in the world."

"Our problem today is a leadership crisis.  Whenever God gets ready to solve problems in the world, He finds leaders and then he gives them a vision and those leaders lead under God."

"We gotta give some attention again to the Bible- to the Word of God."

"Equip the saints for the work of the ministry and to raise up indigenous leaders..that's what the Church is about.  The Church is a continuation of Christ's incarnation here on earth."

"God is talking about making a new people. (2 Cor. 5)  This is a new humanity.  What we want to do now with this new humanity is to reach out to the broken and the lost in the world and create a humanity that can confront greed, and injustice and death and sex trafficking.  God wants to raise up some leaders to confront these issues."

"You gotta be found faithful.  The highest Christian virtue in the world is to be faithful."

"We're making people Christians before we're making disciples."

"So as He lived, we are to live in that way."

JP's Scripture Texts this year:  Titus 2:11-15, Galatians 2: 9-21, 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, John 1:1-2, Matthew 28:16-18, 2 Timothy 2:1-2

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