Monday, March 26, 2012

God's movement through Love Cedar Valley

If you know me at all, you've likely heard me repeatedly share with you how surprised and amazed I am to hear continued stories of how God has worked in individual and churches’ lives through Love Cedar Valley.  In the past three weeks, there’ve been yet more stories….

-          A Grundy Center resident came into my office and shared some plans for a ministry called “Helping Hands” that he and a few other men are feeling called to start.  Where did this passion and vision begin?  As I sat and listened to him, he told me the vision was birthed from the times he served during Love Cedar Valley. 

-          I received a facebook message the other day from a young man who…three years ago….weighed almost 500 pounds.  On Love Cedar Valley, he was seated outside his downtown apt. bldg wishing he could get involved but knew that he couldn’t walk or stand very well due to his health and weight.  A few Love Cedar Valleyers came by and prayed healing over him.  He said he felt the Spirit move and believed that God was indeed healing him.  Since that prayer, he’s lost 260 pounds and is now encouraging others in Christ to health and fitness right on Saturday mornings at Harvest. 

-          Two days ago I was in a coffee shop and saw a pastor of a local church studying in a corner.  He told me that this year’s date doesn’t work well for their congregation for LCV, but then he went on to share that the few years they were involved, they took heed to the idea to look around their church’s neighborhood and get involved.  They did..and found River Hills School in their neighborhood.  They did work for LCV for two years at the school, and have since then created a partnership and ongoing relationship with the principal and staff and school. 

-          Yesterday, I wandered around our church and watched a young team of leaders doing fantastic work as the Love Cedar Valley team for our church.  This opportunity has given them practice and wings in leadership, organization, they’re building some new relationships with each other on the team and in our church.  I was looking at how they’ve organized and the creative technology they’re using, and I was like…"wow, I need to be sitting and learning some fresh insights from these outstanding young leaders."  Yay, God!   

Why should I be surprised that the lovingkindness of God as expressed through his people in an increasingly hostile world, actually transforms people?  This is true both for those who notice and extend kindness to their neighbor and those who receive the kindness.  We as Christians should feel compelled to this kind action because of the kind action bestowed upon us by the mercy of our God in Christ by no merit of our own.  

So, if God wants to keep using Love Cedar Valley to help share some very basic but profound truths, then go for it God!  

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