Wednesday, January 18, 2012

undoing racism

After the Undoing Racism workshop last winter, I wrote the following list of what I think I’ve been learning about change and action…

1  1.    I can’t see change without Jesus.  Because of our sin, He’s the only one who can truly reconcile and restore us to Himself and one another.  Forgiveness of self and others, newness, freedom, our true identity and calling as a community of people can be known when we trust and obey Jesus as the leader of our lives.
2 2.  I need to meet people where they are.  I only have to look at my own journey thus far and know how important it is not to condemn or write others off.
3 3. This is a slow, very intentional journey of patience, grace, humility, love, listening.
    4. This is a very urgent journey of importance and is deeply interrelated to our identity, lifestyle, values, poverty, worldview, faith. 
5 5.       We must bridge and bring people together.  We deceive ourselves to think the problem can be solved without coming together, reconciling, and modeling change.
6 6.       Relocation is optimal.  When we become literal neighbors, our lives become more integrated and interconnected. 
7 7.       Conversations and questions are critical for the journey.
8 8.      Personal stories are important to help people tap into emotions involved in the issue.
9  9.      Being reborn means seeing people as Christ sees them…the value, worth, dignity, gifts of all people.
1 10.   CCDA has been a great source to learn about components and models of reconciliation and restoration.
1  11.   Focus is important.  Too often we stay too broad, overwhelmed, disjointed.
1 12.   Find the bright spots in your defined area of calling and build off of them.
1 13.   Wholistic neighborhood strengthening.
1 14.   Small things have a cumulative effect as relationships are built.  We often think big problems need one big solution.  Many times, small, focused wins and successes create a momentum that makes big change happen.
1 15.   Translate ideas into specific behaviors.  Be concrete.
1 16.   Know passions, gifts, skills, calling in the mix…we try to serve outside of those and we lose energy, get distracted, burn out.
1 17.   Experiences lead to relationships; relationships lead to advocacy.  Not a lot of people are aware enough or care enough to start with advocacy. 
1 18.   Learning communities are helpful.
1 19.   Book discussions are helpful.
2 20.   Focus on children is key.
2 21.   Jobs for Life and economic strategies  important
2 22.   Long term commitment is necessary.
2 23.   Partnerships are critical.  It may start with a core but is too big for one or two churches and will require many people of faith, as well as cooperation with agencies and government at all levels.

What have you been learning about change and action toward reconciliation and justice in our community ?

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