Thursday, March 5, 2009

fly free

Barb is a friend from church who is dying of cancer. According to her husband's carepage entry yesterday, the hospice nurse describes Barb as being in "transition" and predicts that she has less than a month here on earth.

Five years back, as a part of a World Vision 30 Hour Famine experience, we had a "for the Starving Artists Arts n' Crafts" sale. Folks young and old brought their arts and crafts to sell and give all of the money collected to World Vision to help save kids' lives. We bought a beautiful painting of a butterfly painted by Kimmi, Barb's daughter, who was in late elementary school at the time. That butterfly picture, in all its bold and brilliant colors, sits atop our daughter's bookshelf in her room. Last night during the tuck-in, Sara and I discussed the idea of giving that picture to Barb. We think it's a good idea. Barb is a wonderful artist, and I think she'd love a picture that Kimmi painted to brighten up her room. Besides that, it's a butterfly, and as I looked at the painting last night, "fly free" became the prayer of my heart for Barb.

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